Pitching your research to a policymaker
Understanding the aspects of your research and expertise that are relevant and of interest to policymakers is a key component of engaging in the policymaking process.
The EGU25 session, Pitching your researcher to a policymaker (10:45 -12:30 on Tuesday 29 April in Room 2.97) will give you the opportunity to present the key aspects of your research to a panel of policymakers and those working on the science-policy interface! The expert panel will then give their feedback and provide insights on areas that you can improve on when discussing your research with policymakers in the future. This will not only allow you to develop your science-policy presentation and communication skills but also highlight areas that you can consider including to ensure that your research resonates with the policy community moving forward! The panel will also provide feedback on the policy areas in which they believe your research could be relevant, including current and upcoming policies.
The panel will assess up to six scientists during this session. Timeslots will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.
You can submit your research topics and the policy area that you think is relevant below. Please keep in mind that your presentation should be under 5 minutes and focus on the areas that you think policymakers will be most interested in. Please note, that this part of the session will not be available in a hybrid format and is therefore only available to in-person attendees.