Awards & medals committees
Ex-officio members are not included; they are the relevant division president and the chair of the Union Awards Committee. Awards and medals committee members should declare at the beginning of the selection procedure any potential conflict of interest.
Louis Néel Medal
Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics
(attributed every other year, rotation with Petrus Peregrinus Medal)
J. Michael Kosterlitz (Chair)
Chris Marone
David A. Lockner
Patrick Baud
Wen-lu Zhu
Petrus Peregrinus Medal
Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics
(attributed every other year, rotation with Louis Néel Medal)
Lisa Tauxe (Chair)
Jonathan Aurnou
Kenneth P. Kodama
(inactive for the 2025 call)
Arthur Holmes Medal
Solid Earth geosciences
William Lowrie (Chair)
Boris Kaus
Claudio Faccenna
Mathilde Cannat
Paraskevi Nomikou
Torgeir Andersen