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About EGU Elections

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European Geosciences Union


Extraordinary Election 2025 for the BG Division

The current Biogeosciences Division Deputy President, who was elected during the election held in autumn 2023 and who would have been inaugurated as BG Division President in April 2025, has had to resign with a very heavy heart for health reasons. Therefore, an extraordinary election in 2025 for the role of BG Division President has to be organised.

The extraordinary election will take place from about the 25th February until 21st March 2025. The elected candidate will be directly inaugurated as the BG Division President during the EGU plenary meeting on 28 April 2025 in Vienna, Austria. Given the very short handover period, they will receive particular support from the current BG Division officers and EGU governance as they begin their roles. They will serve for a two-year term (2025–2027) and may stand for re-election for a further two years.

As a first step, EGU kindly asks you to propose a candidate for the vacant position by 05 February 2025. You are welcome and encouraged to nominate yourself. If you are nominating someone else, please seek their consent beforehand. A description of the role can be found

Call for candidates

You are kindly asked to propose a candidate to any vacancy by 5 February 2025. You are welcome and encouraged to nominate yourself. If you are nominating someone else, please get the candidate's consent. Please have the information listed in the application form as well as a photograph available when you summit the application.

Propose a candidate

Past election results