Writing an EGU Planet Press release
Remember that your primary audience is 7–13-year olds but Planet Press releases can also be read and used by anyone, so try to make them as easy to understand as possible.
When writing a Planet Press text from the original press release, it is important to take into account best practices for good science writing. In addition to checking previous texts, we recommend you follow these five key pointers when writing a Planet Press article:
Keep it simple
As you can see, our Planet Press releases are written using simple, clear language. We avoid using ‘jargon’ and, when we do, we explain what the scientific term means using words commonly used in conversational language. Even words that are not technical jargon are sometimes easy to misinterpret. Make it a rule that if you are unsure whether a word is ‘jargon’ or not, assume it is and simplify it.
Stay within 300 words
If you are not a scientist, reading about science can be daunting at the best of times so keep the text short and simple. Try to explain the key concepts outlined in the original press release in as few sentences as possible, avoiding unnecessary detail.
Develop a narrative
Everything is more engaging when there is a storyline to it. It is also easier to understand. Try to include a beginning that eases the reader into the story, a middle that gets to the centre of the research and an end to your Planet Press text that a reader can easily follow, and be engaged enough that they get to the end of the release.
Make it relevant
It is always easier to understand a story when there is an element of relevance to your own life within it. Try to engage with the reader of your Planet Press release by adding context to the story that speaks directly to them by making simple analogies to their everyday lives.
Round it off
Give your Planet Press release an ending. It doesn’t need to be exciting, but try to think about providing a key message (that can be different from that of the scientific research). Try to put the research into a broader world context by giving it a positive spin.
If you’d like to help write, translate or review Planet Presses, or have any questions about the project, please contact EGU's Media Relations Manager: