Cape Town 2024 GIFT Workshop
The EGU Education Committee is proud to announce the fifth Cape Town Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshop. Dedicated to bringing science to teachers, the Cape Town GIFT workshop features local scientific experts from the University of Cape Town, the Iziko South African Museum, and the Two Oceans Aquarium. Together, teachers and scientists explored Antarctica, from presentations on how geology is undertaken in the cryosphere and the geopolitics of Antarctica, to lesson building with real-life penguins.
Participants for the in-person workshop were nominated by their subject advisor (SA) or university advisor (for pre-service teachers). All participants nominated and chosen committed to attending all days of the program.
The Cape Town GIFT workshop 2024 was funded by the European Geoscience Union, with contributions from Westermann Publishing House, Geological Society of South Africa, and the Geological Society of South Africa – Western Cape Branch.
Please see the full brochure (PDF document, 4.9 MB) for more details.
Saturday, 10 August 2024
Antarctica and the ice-covered ocean are much more relevant to South Africa than you think!
Marchello Vichi, UCT Oceanography HOD; SAPRI
- Presentation (PDF document, 4.3 MB)
Ocean Observing and Infrastructure
Tammy Morris, Ocean and Polar Coordinator, SAEON
- Presentation (PDF document, 8.1 MB)
Antarctic treaty and legal issues
Sheveenah Sunnassee, Taukoor, UCT Oceanography
- Presentation (PDF document, 2.9 MB)
Doing Geology in Antarctica
Chris Harris, UCT Geological Sciences
- Presentation (PDF document, 8.7 MB)
Treasures in ice: Hunting for meteorites in Antarctica
Philip Janney, UCT Geological Sciences HOD
- Presentation (PDF document, 3.2 MB)