EGU General Assembly 2011 GIFT Workshop
Please see the full brochure (PDF document, 6.6 MB) for more details.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Guided tour of the vienna museum of natural history
Herbert Summesberger and Mathias Harzhauser Vienna Museum of Natural History
Monday, 4 April 2011
Tujia Pulkkinen President EGU
- Video stream (Youtube)
Practical instructions for the workshop
Carlo Laj EGU Committee on Education
Evolution – The geological point of view
Mathias Harzhauser Vienna Museum of Natural History Vienna, Austria
- Presentation (PDF document, 14.8 MB)
The evolution of segmentation
Guillaume Ballavoine Institut Jacques Monod CNRS-Université Paris Diderot Paris, France
- Presentation (PDF document, 6.8 MB)
The human fossil record in the possession of the natural history museum vienna
Maria Teschler-Nicola Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria
- Presentation (PDF document, 10.0 MB)
"Back to the trees" or how to build phylogenetic trees with "Phylogen"
Guillaume Dandrey, Paul Pillot and Jean-Luc Berenguer Science teachers in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, France
- Presentation (PDF document, 927.5 KB)
The delicate balance between chicxulub impact and/or deccan traps induced mass-extinctions at the K-PG boundary
Jan Smit Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 18.8 MB)
The evolution of insects: a triple jump to success
Günter Bechly State Museum of Natural History, Stuttgart, Germany
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
You said…biodiversity?
Gilles Boeuf Museum National de Sciences Naturelles Paris, France
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 11.2 MB)
Why is the sea so diverse?
Begoña Vendrell-Simón and Josep-Maria Gili Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography, ICM-CSIC Barcelona, Spain
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 10.1 MB)
The European space agency and the international environmental conventions
Marc Paganini Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes Science, ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 14.8 MB)
Natura 2000 in schools
Michael Altmoss Office for Environment, Water Resources management and Trade Control (LUDW) Mainz, Germany
- Presentation (PDF document, 4.3 MB)
Geobiology: cutting-edge research that is expanding the frontiers of science - (LIFE AROUND HYDROTHERMAL VENTS)
Elinor Bartle Centre for Geobiology, University of Bergen Bergen, Norway
From gift to ECO-schools: a web site to work in international projects
Laurence Durand Biology and geology teacher Lycée Camille Saint-Saens, Rouen, France
- Presentation (PDF document, 1.9 MB)
International earth science olympiad - IESO
Roberto Greco Modena and Reggio Emilia University Modena, Italy
- Presentation (PDF document, 15.3 MB)
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Understanding evolution - HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES
Jennifer Skene Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California Berkeley, USA
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 3.1 MB)
Antarctic penguins and climate change
Yvon Le Maho Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien University of Strasbourg and CNRS Strasbourg, France
- Video stream (Youtube)
- Presentation (PDF document, 6.1 MB)
For additional videos relating to the EGU General Assembly 2011 GIFT Workshop, please check EGU YouTube channel.