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Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) EGU General Assembly 2003 GIFT Workshop Topic: Educational Seismology & Climate Evolution

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European Geosciences Union

EGU General Assembly 2003 GIFT Workshop

This one-day (Friday April 11, 2003) workshop is intended to offer secondary schools teachers an opportunity to meet the scientists doing the research in the different field of Earth and Environmental Sciences and to exchange experiences of teaching Earth Sciences in different European countries and the USA.

The 2003 workshop will focus on two main aspects : the morning will be entirely devoted to educational seismology, with special attention to the project “EduSeis: The seismograph in the schools” (including the analysis of on-line data from Internet) which is particularly suited for classroom activities.

The afternoon will be devoted to Climate Evolution : First the astronomical basis of Milankovitch theory will be introduced. This will be followed by an illustration of how to recognize Milankovitch cycles in the landscape (” how to put your finger on a Milankovitch cycle “) with documents suitable for classroom discussions.

The second part of the afternoon will be an introduction to the role of greenhouse gases, and will include a presentation of small experiments suitable for classroom activities, illustrating the principle of the greenhouse effect.

The official language of the meeting is English. However, informal simultaneous translation into French, German and Italian will be given, if needed, by the GIFT Committee members.

List of Solicited Speakers

Jean-Luc Berenguer, Jean Virieux, Aldo Zollo, André Berger, Jean-Claude Duplessy, Cor Langereis