EGU General Assembly 2004 GIFT Workshop
Thursday, 29 April 2004
Welcome Address
Arne Richter Executive Secretary of EGU
Presentation of the workshop
Carlo Laj and Jean-Luc Berenguer Co-Organisers of GIFT 2004
A satellite view of the ocean
Anny Cazenave (LEGOS, CNES, Tulouse, France)
- Presentation (PDF document, 13.5 MB)
Initiated in the north atlantic: the modern ocean circulation
Barbara Donner (University of Bremen, Germany)
- Presentation (PDF document, 2.5 MB)
Macroscopic life around hydrothermal vents
Martin Cepec (University of Bremen (Germany)
The Images program
Ralph Schneider (IMAGES and Univerity of Bordeaux, France)
The international ocean drilling program (IODP)
Eve Arnold (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
- Presentation (PDF document, 1.8 MB)
Example of Argonauitca:
An evaluation of the consequences of the Prestige wreck along the Atlantic coast, by the children of two schools in Cestas (France) and Burgos (Spain). Annie Carrassett (Collège Cantelande, Cestas, France)
20,000 Schools over the sea(Parti I)
Presentation of Argonautica, an educational project specially designed for schools, to illustrate and discover the role of satellite obervation to improve the knowledge of the ocean and to protect marine environment Pascal Bonnefond (Obs. Côte d'Azur, Nice) Pascal Canseill (IUFM Midi Pyrénées), Danielle de Staerke (CNES)
Michael Gschnaidner and Friedrich Barnikel (Gymnasium Grafing and University of Munich, Germany)
Friday, 30 April 2004
Ocean and atmosphere interactions in the north atlantic – how is europe affected?
Eystein Jansen (Univerity of Bergen, Norway)
- Presentation (PDF document, 3.0 MB)
Sea level changes
Kurt Lambeck (National Australian University, Camberra, Australia)
- Presentation (PDF document, 231.6 KB)
The "el nino" southern oscillation (ENSO)
Pascale Delecluse (LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- Presentation (PDF document, 3.5 MB)
Abrupt climatic changes and deep water circulation in the north atlantic
Carlo Laj and Catherine Kissel (LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- Presentation (PDF document, 5.9 MB)
The mediterranean sea: an indicator for climate changes?
Renzo Mosetti (Osservatorio di Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste, Italy)
- Presentation (PDF document, 1.3 MB)
20,000 Schools over the sea(Parti II)
The geonautes explore the Ocean, presentation of a bilingual educational CD (CNES) on the exploration of the oceans. Sciences and Art: staging in color of Argonautica Pascal Bonnefond (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice) Pascal Canceill (IUFM Midi Pyrénées) Danielle de Staerke(CNES)