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Bluesy glacier (Credit: Velio Coviello, distributed via

CR Cryospheric Sciences Structure

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European Geosciences Union

Division on Cryospheric Sciences


Cryospheric Sciences (CR) structure
Carleen Tijm-Reijmer
Deputy President
Daniel Farinotti Email
Programme Group Chair
Carleen Tijm-Reijmer
Science Officers
Lindsey Nicholson Email Glaciers
Kirsty Langley Ice Caps
Violaine Coulon Email Ice Sheet
Maaike Izeboud Email Ice Shelves
Victor Bense Email Permafrost
Luisa von Albedyll Email Sea Ice
Cristina Pérez-Guillén Email Snow
OSPP Co-ordinator
Larissa van der Laan Email
Marie Cavitte Email
Chris Derksen Email
ECS Representative
Lu Zhou
ECS Co-Representative
Ann-Sofie Zinck Email

Awards & medals committees

Julia and Johannes Weertman Medal committee
Julia and Johannes Weertman Medal
Committee chair Martyn Tranter
Committee members Etienne Berthier
Gwenn E. Flowers
Regine Hock
Ruzica Dadic

Journal editors

Executive editors of The Cryosphere (TC)
The Cryosphere (TC)
Executive editors Chris Derksen
Christian Haas
Christian Hauck
Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson
Thomas Mölg