Jan Seibert

The 2007 Union Service Award is awarded to Jan Seibert in recognition of his outstanding services to the Union in raising the profile of poster presentations by young scientists.
Jan Seibert has started the Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) award initiative in 2003 and has been tremendously successful on all accounts. The idea was to raise the profile of poster presentations, help increase the general interest in the poster sessions, enhance their visibility, further improve the overall quality of the poster presentations and, most importantly, foster the excitement of young colleagues in the field. The response of the EGU community to the award scheme introduced by Jan has been superb. Initially the Award was run for the Hydrological Sciences Division but the concept was gradually adopted by other Divisions. In 2006, a total of six Divisions have been running the schemes along the lines of what Jan has developed and more Divisions are to follow. Jan Seibert’s contribution to running the Union has been recognized by the Union Service Award as he has set an example of how to foster the involvement of young colleagues in the field.