Pierre Brigode

CL Climate: Past, Present & Future
The 2012 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Pierre Brigode for the poster/PICO entitled:
Link between rainfall-based weather patterns classification over British-Columbia and El Niño Southern Oscillations (Brigode P.; Mićović Z.; Bernardara P.; Gailhard J.; Paquet E.; Garavaglia F.; Ribstein P.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Pierre Brigode is a PhD Student at the LNHE laboratory, Electricité de France R&D (France) and at the Sisyphe laboratory, University Pierre and Marie Curie (France). His research focuses on the evaluation of an extreme flood estimation method named SCHADEX in non-stationary climate (observed natural variability and predicted climate change). The EGU 2012 poster presents a study done within a collaboration with BC Hydro (Canadian electric utility) exploring the link between El Niño Southern Oscillations and heavy rainfall events over Coastal British Columbia. A new weather pattern classification describing the typical rainfall patterns over this area has been developed to this aim and is presented in the poster.