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Philippe Duchaufour Medal 2006 Ewart A. FitzPatrick

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Ewart A. FitzPatrick

Ewart A. FitzPatrick
Ewart A. FitzPatrick

The 2006 Philippe Duchaufour Medal is awarded to Ewart A. FitzPatrick for his new and original insights in soil genesis, classification and micromorphology, which have had a great impact on the development of soil science.

Dr. Ewart A. FitzPatrick is internationally recognised for his great contributions to soil science, especially genesis, classification and micropedology. Throughout over 50 years of his scientific activity he published a large number of original papers and widely known textbooks on soil science, from which several were re-edited in English and translated in Spanish. His creative textbooks have greatly contributed to the possibilities that soil micromorphology can offer. Also his case studies, dealing with rock weathering, glacial and periglacial features in soils, soil morphology, as well as soil classification and genesis, brought important original contributions. Very recently he prepared brilliant tutorial CD-ROMS: “Interactive Soils” (1999), “Horizon Identification” (2003), “Soil Microscopy and Micromorphology” (2005).

Dr. FitzPatrick made great effort to provide with better understanding of phenomena occurring in the soil. He organised several international courses on soil micromorphology (Scotland, Argentina, UK, Italy) and he widely disseminated thorough knowledge on soil micromorphology by numerous seminars and lectures organised in 19 countries. The impact of Dr. E.A. FitzPatrick on soil research, teaching and service is based on his cordial and decent personality, still provoking enthusiasm for soil science in many students and colleagues. His achievements have been awarded in 1996 by the Kubiëna Medal of the International Soil Science Society.