Isabel Lange

ERE Energy, Resources and the Environment
The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Isabel Lange for the poster/PICO entitled:
Dissolution experiments on a polyphase basalt surface under conditions relevant to offshore CO2 storage (Lange, I.; Toro, M.; Ostertag-Henning, C.; Hansen, C.; Lüttge, A.; Kopf, A.; Bach, W.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Isabel Lange is a PhD student at University of Bremen under the supervision of Prof. Wolfgang Bach. Her work is part of the AIMS3 research consortium of the CDRmare research mission and focuses on carbonation reactions in the context of CO2-storage in the basaltic oceanic crust. She conducts laboratory batch and flow-through experiments investigating basalt-water-CO2 interactions under conditions relevant to offshore carbon storage.
At EGU, she presented flow-through dissolution experiments using a microcrystalline mid-ocean ridge basalt sample. She showed how changes in surface topography, established by Vertical Scanning Interferometry, can be used to spatially resolve surface reactivity revealing the influence of e.g. chemical composition and texture, and simultaneously quantify the dissolution rates of all solid phases in a rock.