Dominic Sett

NH Natural Hazards
The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Dominic Sett for the poster/PICO entitled:
How are households contributing to flood risk management? Empirical evidence from a highly flood-prone urban region in Central Vietnam (Sett, D.; Grobusch, L. C.; Schinkel, U.; Le Dang Bao, C.; Nguyen Dang Giang, C.; Nguyen Hoang Khanh, L.; Garschagen, M.; Hagenlocher, M.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Dominic Sett is a climate risk and adaptation researcher at United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), working on assessing and identifying barriers, entry points, and options for adapting to flood risks in Central Vietnam. He is a PhD Candidate in the Geography and Disaster Risk Research working group at University Potsdam. His PhD research focuses on analyzing behavioral factors to explain households’ contribution to and motivation for engaging in flood risk adaptation.
In his EGU24 poster presentation, Dominic and his co-authors share findings on how households contribute to flood risk management in Hue, Vietnam. Drawing on social contract theory, the poster outlines alignments, gaps, and feedbacks between i) the desired contribution of households defined by public institutions (legal-institutional social contracts), ii) households’ perceived responsibility to take actions (perceived social contracts), and iii) actual flood risk management actions taken by households (practiced social contracts). Based on the interlinkages between social contracts, policy recommendations are provided, including the urgent need for enhanced government support of households to better overcome action barriers, thereby allowing them to fulfill institutionally anchored responsibilities.