Nicole Cowell

GI Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems
The 2023 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Nicole Cowell for the poster/PICO entitled:
What can we learn from nested IoT low-cost sensor networks for air quality? A case study of PM2.5 in Birmingham UK. (Cowell, N.; Baldo, C.; Chapman, L.; Bloss, W.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Nicole Cowell is a PhD student at the University of Birmingham studying distributed measurements of particulate matter, supervised by Prof Lee Chapman & Prof William Bloss. Her work primarily focuses on low cost particulate measurement- developing and deploying networks of IoT enabled sensors across the West Midlands region of the UK. Her sensor measurements have a range of applications including but not limited too; general ambient monitoring, indoor air quality assessments and targeted monitoring of air quality mitigation efforts. Alongside her PhD, she contributes to the West Midlands Air Quality Program (WM-Air) (funded by NERC) and the Birmingham Urban Observatory (funded by EPSRC), working with a range of partners and stakeholders to increase, improve and analyse air quality measurements and generate impact within local communities, academic research and policy. From October 2023, following the completion of her PhD, she will be joining Imperial College London and World Economic Forum as a Hoffman Fellow in Air Quality.