Irene Himmelbauer

HS Hydrological Sciences
The 2023 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Irene Himmelbauer for the poster/PICO entitled:
Analyzing the reliability of in situ soil moisture measurements for satellite product validation: What makes “fiducial reference measurements” fiducial? (Himmelbauer, I.; Gruber, A.; Stradiotti, P.; Aberer, D.; Preimesberger, W.; Dorigo, A. W.; Boresch, A.; Tercjak, M.; Richaume, P.; Mialon, A.; Kerr, Y.; Gibon, F.; Crapolicchio, R.; Sabia, R.; Diez Garcia, R.; Goryl, P.; Scipal, K.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Irene Himmelbauer is working at the Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing research unit of the Technical University of Vienna, Austria (TU Wien) where she is also currently pursuing her Bachelor`s degree in Geodesy and Geoinformation. She started in 2017 as a project assistant managing the data inclusion for a global and openly-accessible in situ soil moisture database, the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN, From May 2019 until the end of December 2022, she coordinated the ISMN operations, collaborating with 73 network partners around the globe, and managed the transfer of the ISMN operational service to a new host in Germany (the German Federal office of Hydrology and the connected International Center for Water Resources and Global Change). Her research, carried out within the European Space Agency’s “Fiducial Reference Measurements of Soil Moisture (FRM4SM)” project, focuses on the characteristics and traceability of in situ soil moisture data and their uncertainties to improve the validation of the individual satellite soil moisture missions.
Her poster presentation at EGU 2023 focused on (i) the identification of uncertainties of in situ soil moisture measurements; (ii) on the definition of novel quality indicators to characterize in situ data accuracy; (iii) on the operationalization of these indicators within the openly-accessible Quality Assurance for Soil Moisture (QA4SM; ) online validation service; and (iv) on the calculation of traceable uncertainty budgets for “fiducial” in situ soil moisture reference datasets.