Lucille Carbillet

EMRP Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics
The 2021 Virtual Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (vOSPP) Award is awarded to Lucille Carbillet for the poster/PICO entitled:
From monodisperse to polydisperse: the influence of grain size distribution on the mechanical behavior of porous synthetic rocks (Carbillet, L.; Heap, M. J.; Wadsworth, F. B.; Baud, P.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Lucille Carbillet is a PhD student in Rock Physics, working within the Experimental Geophysics section of the Institut Terre et Environnement de Strasbourg (ITES) under the supervision of Michael J. Heap and Patrick Baud. Her main research interests are subsurface deformation processes and the relationship between the microstructural attributes of porous materials and their failure modes and mechanical behaviour. Her thesis project focuses on the evolution of hydraulic and mechanical properties of porous rocks through the granular to non-granular transition. Her research is based on the use of synthetic samples made of sintered glass beads, which she prepares in the laboratory.
The awarded presentation introduces new results obtained during deformation experiments on synthetic samples with bimodal grain size distributions and gives evidences that the degree of polydispersivity and the modality of the grain size distribution exert a significant control on the compactive strength and the failure mode, including the propensity for compaction localisation.