Verónica Morales-Márquez

OS Ocean Sciences
The 2019 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to Verónica Morales-Márquez for the poster/PICO entitled:
Relationship of extreme wave climate with long-term patterns in the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea (Morales-Márquez, V.; Orfila, A.; Marcos, M.; Simarro, G.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Verónica Morales-Márquez is a PhD student under supervision of Alejandro Orfila Förster at the Department of Oceanography and Global Change of Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (IMEDEA-CSIC) in Mallorca (Spain). The thesis is codirected by Gonzalo Simarro Grande member of the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona (Spain). Her background is in Civil Engineering but she is doing her thesis in Physical Oceanography. She has worked in the field of coastal management, numerical model of sediment transport and in the study of wave climate. Her current research is focused in the influence of Ekman and Stokes drift in the dispersion and mixing properties of the ocean surface. The awarded poster that she presented at EGU2019 outlines the relationship of extreme wave climate with long-term patterns in the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In addition, a new methodology is proposed in order to know the most probable atmospheric situations associated with the extreme wave climate.
Publication resulting from the award
Morales-Márquez, V., Orfila, A., Simarro, G., and Marcos, M.: Extreme waves and climatic patterns of variability in the eastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean basins, Ocean Sci., 16, 1385–1398,, 2020.