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EGU Award Ceremony (Credit: EGU/Foto Pfluegl)

Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Awards 2018 D. Jimena Roncancio Benitez

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D. Jimena Roncancio Benitez

D. Jimena Roncancio Benitez
D. Jimena Roncancio Benitez

CL Climate: Past, Present & Future

The 2018 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to D. Jimena Roncancio Benitez for the poster/PICO entitled:

Evaluation of climate variability and temperature extremes in Colombia: Opportunities for the outlining of climate change and human health adaptive strategies. (Roncancio, D. J.; Nardocci, A.; Lecha, L.)

Click here to download the poster/PICO file.

Jimena is an environmental engineer, Master of Science in public health from University of São Paulo (Brazil) and third year PhD student of public health at the same university. Her current research is focus on risk assessment of direct health effects of climate variability on human populations, specifically in Colombia.
The EGU 2018 poster presented shows the first results of analyzed daily extreme air temperatures in Colombia considering a period of 30 years. The method of analyses allows the definition of predominant intervals of maximum and minimum temperatures to outline intervals of comfort or extreme thermal sensations and define the levels of health hazard determined by the thermal variability.