Elizabeth Dingle

GM Geomorphology
The 2017 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to Elizabeth Dingle for the poster/PICO entitled:
Where does all the gravel go? Abrasion-set limits on Himalayan gravel flux (Dingle, E.; Attal, M.; Sinclair, H.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
I am a PhD student in the Land Surface Dynamics group at the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), supervised by Prof. Hugh Sinclair and Dr. Mikael Attal. My PhD project aims to understand the controls on river morphology on major river systems downstream of the Himalayan mountains in the Ganga Plain. In particular, I consider the roles of sediment flux, grain size and basin subsidence. The poster I presented at EGU 2017 illustrates the results of work considering how the amount of coarse sediment (gravel) exported by Himalayan rivers is limited by the differential abrasion of weaker lithologies. These findings suggest that the gravel flux out of the Himalayan mountains is independent of upstream catchment area.
Publication resulting from the award
Dingle, E. H., Sinclair, H. D., Attal, M., Rodés, Á., and Singh, V.: Temporal variability in detrital 10Be concentrations in a large Himalayan catchment, Earth Surf. Dynam., 6, 611–635, https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-6-611-2018, 2018.