Olga Makarieva

BG Biogeosciences
The 2016 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to Olga Makarieva for the poster/PICO entitled:
Variations of hydrological characteristics at the rivers of different size in the Lena river basin (Semenova, O.; Tananaev, N.; Lebedeva, L.; Popova, E.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Olga Makarieva (previously, Semenova) is a Postdoc researcher in a St. Petersburg State University (Russia). Her scientific interests are cold region hydrology with the focus on river flow – permafrost interactions and their changes in nonstationary environment. Presented PICO have shown the results of river flow trends analysis for about 110 gauges within the Lena River basin with the order of basin area from 101 to 105 km2. All currently functioning flow gauges with continuous observations not less than 35 years were selected for the database which contains the data up to 2013.
Another direction of Olga’s research is the development and enhancement of a process-oriented, robust, hydrological model (www.hydrograph-model.ru) which could be applied in different permafrost landscapes with the ability to use observable characteristics of watersheds as its parameters.