Maire Holz

BG Biogeosciences
The 2016 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to Maire Holz for the poster/PICO entitled:
Effect of soil water content on spatial distribution of root exudates and mucilage in the rhizosphere (Holz, M.; Zarebanadkouki, M.; Kuzyakov, Y.; Carminati, A.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
I am PhD student at the Division of Soil Hydrology at the University of Göttingen. My project focuses on factors controlling the spatial distribution of root exudates in the rhizosphere. In particular, I am interested in the effect of root exuded mucilage and rhizosphere water dynamics on the diffusion of low molecular weight exudates across the rhizosphere. The aim is to implement a numerical model to simulate the effects of water flow, root growth, mucilage and degradation of rhizodeposits on the spatial distribution of root exudates.
The poster presented at the EGU 2016 shows the effect of soil water content on the spatial distribution of root exudates combining 14C imaging and neutron radiography. The study revealed that the distribution of root exudates in the rhizosphere is a dynamic process that depends on root elongation rate, exudation rate as well as the local water content in the rhizosphere.