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EGU Award Ceremony (Credit: EGU/Foto Pfluegl)

Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Awards 2016 Laurie Perrot

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Laurie Perrot

Laurie Perrot
Laurie Perrot

OS Ocean Sciences

The 2016 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to Laurie Perrot for the poster/PICO entitled:

Seasonal and interannual variabilities of coccolithophore blooms in the Bay of Biscay and the Celtic Sea observed from a 18-year time-series of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter images (Perrot, L.; Gohin, F.; Ruiz-Pino, D.; Lampert, L.)

Click here to download the poster/PICO file.

I’m a PhD student at the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), supervised by Francis Gohin (IFREMER) and Diana Ruiz-Pino (UPMC-Locean, Paris). My research focus on the phenology of a calcareous phytoplankton, the coccolithophores, by remote-sensing in the Atlantic.
The poster outlines the development of an algorithm based on the suspended particulate matters satellite signal, in the view to discriminate and quantify the coccolithophore blooms from satellite images. This method allows to overview the climatology and the interannual variability of the blooms, occurring in spring and summer along the shelf-break in the North-East Atlantic, over the last 18 years.