Klaus Vormoor
CL Climate: Past, Present & Future
The 2016 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award is awarded to Klaus Vormoor for the poster/PICO entitled:
Considering changing temporal structures in the construction of scenario-neutral runoff response surfaces (Vormoor, K.; Roessler, O.; Buerger, G.; Weingartner, R.; Bronstert, A.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Klaus is part of the Hydrology and Climatology group at the Institute of Earth- and Environmental Sciences, University of Potsdam (Germany). He recently submitted his PhD thesis which focuses on the changing role of snowmelt- and rainfall driven floods in Norway under climate change. The awarded PICO presentation results from collaboration with colleagues from the University of Bern (Switzerland) and illustrates a novel approach of creating response surfaces for climate change impact assessments that incorporates the influence of different temporal sequencing of climate data for four hydrological target variables.