Rachael Moore

PS Planetary and Solar System Sciences
The 2015 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Rachael Moore for the poster/PICO entitled:
Morphotype disparity in the Precambrian (Moore, R.; Reitner, J.; Braiser, M.; Donoghue, P.; Schirrmeister, B.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Rachael Moore is now an early stage researcher in the Marie Curie initial training network ABYSS and a PhD student at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris under the supervision of Prof. Bénédicte Menez. The poster she presented at the EGU General Assembly, “Morphotype disparity in the Precambrian,” shows results from her MSc research at the University of Bristol where she examined the microfossils found within Precambrian stromatolites supervised by Dr. Bettina Schirrmeister. Her main research interest is the deep biosphere; she is currently investigating microbial communities found within crystalline basalts and the impact these communities have on their host rocks.