Shiyong Huang
ST Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
The 2012 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Shiyong Huang for the poster/PICO entitled:
Electron acceleration in the reconnection diffusion region: Cluster observations (Huang, S. Y.; Vaivads, A.; Khotyaintsev, Yu. V.; Zhou, M.; Fu, H. S.; Retinò, A.; Deng, X. H.; André, M.; Cully, C. M.; He, J. S.; Sahraoui, F.; Yuan, Z. G.; Pang, Y.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Shiyong Huang is a PhD student of School of Electronic and Information, Wuhan University, China. Now he is studying in Swedish Institute of Space Physics as a visiting PhD student under the supervisor of Dr. M. André and Dr. A. Vaivads. His current research focuses on electron acceleration, and wave or turbulence properties during magnetic reconnection. The poster presents electron acceleration associated with magnetic island and thin current sheet in the reconnection diffusion region.