Narelle van der Wel (Baker)

CR Cryospheric Sciences
The 2012 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Narelle van der Wel (Baker) for the poster/PICO entitled:
The influence of subglacial hydrology on the flow of Kamb Ice Stream (Baker, N.; Christoffersen, P.; Bougamont, M.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Narelle Baker recently completed her PhD at Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) in the UK. Her work looked at the influence of subglacial hydrology on ice stream flow, particularly related to Kamb and Whillans ice streams, Antarctica. She developed a numerical flowline model that successfully replicates thermally and hydraulically driven oscillations in ice stream flow. Her poster details the model numerics and shows how changing the magnitude of the volumetric water flux at the onset of Kamb Ice Stream affects its surface velocity. It was found that Kamb Ice Stream can either reach a stable state or can oscillate with periods of hundreds of years. These oscillations are driven by the basal melt rate at the grounding line of the ice stream (thermal condition) and may be modified by changes in hydrological conditions at the bed due to water transportation from upstream through conduits to the grounding line.