Yixiong Wang

PS Planetary and Solar System Sciences
The 2011 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Yixiong Wang for the poster/PICO entitled:
Exploration of the parameter space for circulation regimes of terrestrial planetary atmospheres with simplified GCM (Wang, Y.; Read, P.; Mendonca, J.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Yixiong Wang is a PhD student supervised by Professor Peter Read at Department of Physics, University of Oxford, England. His research focuses on studying the global atmospheric circulation regimes of terrestrial planets using simplified but physically concrete general circulation models. The philosophy is to map the occurences of various circulation patterns within a paramters space defined by several dimensionless parameters. Explorations by controlled experiments into such a parameter space will shed light on both our theoretical understanding of circulation dynamics and our growing interest in the potential habitability issues of rocky extrasolar planets. The awarded poster systematically presents the diagnostic results of varying the rotation rate of an Earth-like planet, as well as some ongoing development of a 1-D radiative-convective model for the investigation on the influence of atmospheric radiative properties on general circulation regimes.