Jan Martin Brockmann

G Geodesy
The 2011 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Jan Martin Brockmann for the poster/PICO entitled:
Use of massive parallel computing libraries in the context of global gravity field determination (Brockmann, J. M.; Schuh, W.-D.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Jan Martin Brockmann is a PhD student at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation (Department of Theoretical Geodesy) at the University of Bonn, Germany. His reasearch focuses on high-performance computing in the context of global gravity field determination. He is involved in the processing of data observed by ESA’s (European Space Agency) gravity field mission GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer). On his EGU 2011 poster, the matrix storage scheme for the use of high performance computing libraries as ScaLAPACK (Scalable Linear Algebra Package) is summarized. Furthermore, a massive parallel ScaLAPACK based software for the estimation of combined global gravity field models is shown and applied with the purpose of deriving the spectral properties (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) of different satellite-only global gravity field normal equations.