Ufuk Hancilar

NH Natural Hazards
The 2009 Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award is awarded to Ufuk Hancilar for the poster/PICO entitled:
Urban Earthquake Shaking and Loss Estimation by ELER (Hancilar, U.; Kamer, Y.; Abdülhamitbilal, E.; Yenidogan, C.; Tuzun, C.; Durukal, E.; Erdik, M.; Şeşetyan, K.; Zülfikar, C.; Demircioğlu B.M.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Ufuk Hancilar currently works as a researcher in Earthquake Engineering Department of Bogazici University, KOERI. He graduated as a Civil Engineer and obtained both Master’s and PhD degrees in Earthquake Engineering. His research interests focus on urban earthquake risk and loss assessments, nonlinear modeling and analysis of structures, earthquake performance/vulnerability evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings and, assessment of design basis earthquake ground motion. He has been involved in several EU funded projects, such as LessLoss, NERIES and TRANSFER, for the past five years. He worked as a visiting researcher at PEER Center of University of California, Berkeley. He has also professional experience as a seismic/structural engineer in the construction industry.