Awards & medals nomination
The EGU awards & medals programme recognises every year eminent scientists for their outstanding research contribution in the Earth, planetary and space sciences, and identifies the awardees as role models for the next generation of early career scientists to foster geosciences research. The EGU Katia and Maurice Krafft Award recognises excellence in geoscience outreach while the Angela Croome Award for journalists promotes excellence in Earth, planetary and space science journalism and the Science for Policy Award acknowledges significant contributions to evidence-informed policymaking in Europe.
Checklist for submitting nominations
- Have you read the guidelines for proposal and selection of candidates carefully?
- Do you know that members of the award and medal committees are not eligible for that award or medal for two years after stepping down from their service?
- Did you check whether previous honours were received from EGU/EUG/EGS by the person you are nominating and that they are compatible with your nomination?
- If applicable, are you submitting a joint nomination? If so, are you aware of the implications? It is possible to award recognition shared between individuals; in such a case the relevant recognition will not subsequently be awarded for as many years as the number of recipients exceeds one (two years for two recipients, three years for three recipients etc.).
- Did you check what the nomination package must contain for the award or medal you are submitting a nomination form? Did you check the documents meet the requirements (including maximum length) for nomination?
- Does your nomination letter clearly explain why the candidate deserves this recognition?
- If applicable, did you make sure that support letters are written by individuals other than the nominators?
- If applicable, did you check whether supporting letters clearly establish the nominee's recognised contribution to the field?
- Did you prepare all the documents in PDF format and combine them into a single file (e.g., PDF, ZIP, TGZ or RAR format)?
- Do you have EGU membership for the current year (does not apply to nominations to the Angela Croome Award)?
Submit a new nomination
Awards & medals nominations for the year 2026 are currently open. The deadline for submissions is 15 June 2025. Please read the guidelines above carefully before submitting a nomination.
EGU members can nominate candidates for all EGU awards and medals. If you are an EGU member, please use the members' awards & medals nomination form to propose a candidate for the year 2026.
Non-EGU members can only nominate candidates to the EGU Angela Croome Award and the Science for Policy Award. If you are not an EGU member, please use the public nomination form to propose a candidate for the year 2026.
Need help?
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