Jean-Pierre Brun

The 2008 Stephan Mueller Medal is awarded to Jean-Pierre Brun in recognition of his pioneering contributions to the quantitative structural analysis of ductile deformation and physical modelling of tectonic processes.
The scientific contributions of Jean-Pierre Brun to the field of Tectonics and Structural Geology are outstanding. He can be considered as a pioneer both in the experimental modelling of tectonic processes and in the quantitative analysis of ductile deformation. He combines top quality in field studies with development and testing of fundamentally innovative experimental approaches. His main scientific achievements are manifold:
- The discovery in 1982 and further development of a novel technique to model the deformation of geological brittle-ductile systems, with sand and silicone putty, and its application to a large variety of processes from basins (salt tectonics) to the lithosphere (rifting and mountain belts). The technique has been adopted by a number of other laboratories around the world including: Amsterdam, Florence, Canberra, Montpellier, Roma, Austin, Toronto, Toulouse, Uppsala, ETH Zürich.
- The quantitative analysis of ductile deformation and the integrated analysis of geological deformation, linking the small scale to the large scale through a simultaneous use of data from the field (structural geology) and from geophysical studies (gravimetry, deep seismics and tomography). In the frame of GéoFrance 3D this was carried out for the Cadomian and the Hercynian domains.
- The study of lithosphere extension in combining field studies, geophysical data and laboratory modelling, with far reaching implications for understanding oblique rifting, core complexes, lithosphere necking and mantle exhumation, and back arc extension.
- More generally, the mechanical analysis of lithosphere deformation as a function of coupling between brittle and ductile layers. Of special interest here is the particular behaviour of hot lithospheres that have no high strength lithospheric mantle, with special applicability to Precambrian orogens, high plateau (Andes and Tibet) and backarc-type environments.
- The modelling of salt tectonics processes at margin scale (brittle-ductile mechanics and sedimentation-deformation interaction).
The above illustrates that in Brun’s work linking of lithospheric and field scales has been consequently pursued, generating new insights and breakthroughs in the understanding of fundamental tectonic processes. Also in this respect he made – in the spirit of Stephan Mueller – a great contribution to integrate quantitative geology and geophysics.
Jean-Pierre Brun is a scientist who has inspired a whole generation of young researchers. Impressive is also that he combined his research and the tutoring of young scientists with leadership and key responsibilities on the highest level in both national and international contexts.
Jean-Pierre Brun has received numerous prestigious awards and memberships, including Membership of the Institut Universitaire de France and Academia Europaea. His publication record speaks for itself. By awarding Jean-Pierre Brun the Stephan Mueller Medal, EGU would honour a great scientist and an inspiring and leading personality.