Patrick Baud

The 2024 Louis Néel Medal is awarded to Patrick Baud for his outstanding accomplishments in the mechanics of porous and crystalline rocks, and his leadership and service to the EGU division of Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics.
Patrick Baud is receiving the Louis Néel medal of the EGU Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics division for his outstanding accomplishments in rock mechanics and for his important applications in relation to geo-energy resources, geological storage of renewable energy, and assessment of environmental, seismic and volcanic hazards. Baud’s work spans a broad range of topics including time-dependent processes of rock deformation, micromechanical modelling of crack growth and coalescence, and the mechanics of compaction driven shear localisation. His work has significantly advanced our understanding of complex brittle and ductile processes active in crustal rocks that include dilatancy, pore collapse, fault nucleation, rock failure, and fluid transport. His numerous contributions have produced transformational advances in understanding the brittle-ductile transition, hydrolytic weakening, and linkages between acoustic emission and deformation fabric development, and their microstructural habits identifiable in deformed rock. A hallmark of Baud’s research is the combination of experimental measurements and theoretical modeling, that are often tightly linked to detailed microstructural observations. His many years of contributions to the European Geosciences Union as well as his devotion to mentoring students and early career scientists exemplify his commitment to the health and future of the research community. Through his careful work and longstanding contributions, he has earned an international reputation for producing detailed observations and insightful theoretical analysis that have enriched our understanding of the rock deformation style and mechanism in the brittle field.