David J. Dunlop

The 1999 Louis Néel Medal is awarded to David J. Dunlop for his authoritative contributions to rock magnetism setting the standards for future decades.
Prof. David Dunlop has spent most of his career at the University of Toronto, Canada, teaching and doing research in physics and geophysics. He has specialized in rock magnetism and plaeomagnetism, particularly the fundamental aspects that flow directly from Louis Néel. He, and his wife and colleague Dr Özden Özdemir, recently published a textbook on the subject Rock Magnetism: Fundamentals and Frontiers.
During his career, Prof. Dunlop has been fortunate in spending several enjoyable years working in both Japan (at Tokyo and Kyoto Universities and Tokyo Institute of Technology) and France (in CNRS Labs. in St-Maurs, Paris and Montpellier), as well as shorter periods at CSIRO, Sydney, Australia, the Academy of Sciences in Russia, the Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas, and the Universities of Leeds, UK and Munich, Germany. These working visits with colleagues who have become close friends have enriched his research and his life.
Prof. Dunlop is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the American Geophysical Union. He served that latter society as President of the Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism Section (1992 – 1994) and was President of the Canadian Geophysical Union (1985 – 1987).
Newsletter 71, 23, 1999