Eric F. Wood

The 2007 John Dalton Medal is awarded to Eric F. Wood in recognition of his outstanding contribution towards integrating the Earth sciences into the science of hydrology.
Professor Eric F. Wood has had a distinguished career which has spanned the renaissance of hydrology as an earth system science. His early work, which focused on what might now be referred to as the systems analysis aspects of water science, is notable in its own right and has earned him much recognition. His recent contributions are: (1) spatially-distributed hydrologic modeling, (2) macroscale hydrologic prediction of the coupled water and energy balances of the land surface, and (3) remote sensing as an integral tool for observation and modeling of the hydrologic cycle.
Professor Wood’s contributions to the hydrologic profession have been widely recognized. He is a Fellow of the AGU and AMS, and delivered the 2001 AMS Robert E. Horton Lecture – the sole named AMS lecture in hydrology. He has served in numerous editorial and review capacities. He is the past Chair of the AGU Committee on Fellows, the AMS Hydrology Committee, and the AGU Remote Sensing Committee. He has served the World Climate Research Programme in various capacities. He has had strong connections with the European hydrology community, dating to his time at IIASA in the 1970s. A steady stream of European researchers have studied with him and his group at Princeton.
Interview with Eric Wood (Vienna, 2018)
As a companion to the History of Hydrology session at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 five interviews were recorded with former John Dalton or Henry Darcy EGU medallists. These interviews serve as an audiovisual recording of the history of hydrology.
This History of Hydrology interview features Professor Eric Wood from Princeton University, USA, who was the 2007 John Dalton medallist. He is interviewed by Professor Siva Sivapalan of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA at the Austria Center, Vienna, Austria, 13 April, 2018.