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Henry Darcy Medal 2006 András Bárdossy

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European Geosciences Union

András Bárdossy

András Bárdossy
András Bárdossy

The 2006 Henry Darcy Medal is awarded to András Bárdossy for his valuable contributions to statistical hydrology and water resources management.

András Bárdossy has been extremely productive in generating scientific outputs over a very wide range of different topics in statistical applications to hydrology and water resources engineering. Since 1982, he produced 75 papers in ISI rated journal, and although he covers a wide range of subjects, he has a high citation score of more than 700. His strength lies in a variety of mathematical and statistical applications in hydrology and water resources management. He started working with Prof Januz Bogardi, Lucien Duckstein and Erich Plate but soon started his own research groups.

András Bárdossy has worked on Hydrology, Geohydrology, Water Resources Planning and published on subjects including: network design, aquifer management, sediment deposition, rainfall simulation, atmospheric circulation patterns, downscaling, extreme precipitation, nitrogen leaching, and the effect of land-use change on hydrological modelling. In his work he used and developed advanced tools like Kriging, multi-objective optimisation and fuzzy-rule based accounting for uncertainty.

András Bárdossy has always been a great supporter of the EGS/EGU. He and his students are regular contributors to EGU sessions. He is an active member of the editorial board of HESS and is dedicated to serving the hydrological community. We hereby award András Bárdossy with the Darcy medal for his contributions to statistical hydrology and water resources management.

For his contributions to statistical hydrology and water resources management, the 2006 Darcy medal goes to András Bárdossy.