Gina Garland

SSS Soil System Sciences
The 2023 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Gina Garland for outstanding research exploring how different agricultural practices impact soil functioning and environmental sustainability.
Gina Garland is Group Leader at ETH Zurich and Agroscope, Switzerland. She has dedicated her research to explore how different agricultural practices impact soil functioning and environmental sustainability, leading the research behind numerous publications in high-ranking scientific journals.
Garland’s ever-expanding research interests lie at the interface between soil, microbial, and plant interactions within agroecosystems. She is involved in a wide range of interdisciplinary projects focusing on nutrient cycling and bioavailability, and uptake of key nutrients and potential micropollutants by crops, in effort to contribute towards improving global food security and community livelihoods.
Her research has been recognized as extremely impactful to push the boundaries of our understanding of the agricultural practices on plant nutrition and microbial community functioning and made significant contributions to develop and maintain sustainable agroecosystems across various global contexts.
Garland’s work also reaches beyond the scientific world and addresses the necessity to increase research efforts in the Global South which will be disproportionally affected by global climate and land use change in the future.