Alexandra R. L. Kushnir

EMRP Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics
The 2023 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Alexandra R. L. Kushnir for her outstanding research in the fields of rock deformation, geothermal energy and volcanology.
The candidate, Alexandra Kushnir, is receiving the award for her outstanding contribution in the fields of Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics.
Despite only completing her PhD in 2016, Kushnir has already established herself as a scientist at the forefront of her discipline with an international reputation in the fields of rock deformation, geothermal energy, and volcanology. Kushnir is particularly known for her exceptional ability in the laboratory and has performed a wide variety of rock and magma deformation experiments and physical property measurements with different state-of-the-art pieces of equipment. Kushnir has published a total of 33 peer-reviewed papers, an excellent record for someone who only not only finished their PhD in 2016, but also for someone focussed on often time-consuming systematic laboratory studies. These publications are also all of a very high quality and importance to their respective fields, emphasised by their large number of citations in only a short period. Indeed, Kushnir can count over 750 citations since her first publication in 2015. For someone only a few years from their PhD, Kushnir has also has an impressive h-index of 14, again emphasising the high interest of her work to the scientific community.