Romain Millan

CR Cryospheric Sciences
The 2022 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Romain Millan for contributions to cryospheric sciences through the development of new methods to map ocean and subglacial topography, and methods to quantify dynamic changes in flowing ice.
Romain Millan is an outstanding young scientist working in the field of remote sensing applied to cryospheric sciences. Millan’s research focuses on improving the understanding of ice dynamics and ice-ocean interaction using remote sensing techniques. To that end Millan developed innovative methods based on different measurement techniques such as gravimetry, optical, Synthetic Aperture Radar, as well as in-situ observations. He applies those techniques to the large glaciated regions of our planet such as Antarctica, Greenland and Patagonia.
Millan has developed himself into a leading scientist in this field. Characteristic for Millan’s work is his creative approach to problem solving, which has led to improved ways of processing data and producing new and large datasets providing the community with improved data for model evaluation and calibration. Millan also has an impressive publication record in high ranked journals. Besides his scientific accomplishments, Millan is also experienced in field campaigns, and is an outstanding and caring supervisor and true role model for younger aspiring scientist.
Publication resulting from the award
Millan, R., Mouginot, J., Derkacheva, A., Rignot, E., Milillo, P., Ciraci, E., Dini, L., and Bjørk, A.: Ongoing grounding line retreat and fracturing initiated at the Petermann Glacier ice shelf, Greenland, after 2016, The Cryosphere, 16, 3021–3031,, 2022.