Céline Heuzé

OS Ocean Sciences
The 2022 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Céline Heuzé for outstanding research in the field of deep sea oceanography and cryosphere interactions.
Céline Heuzé is awarded the Ocean Sciences Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award 2022. Heuzé is Associate Senior Lecturer and Docent in climatology at the University of Gothenburg. She obtained her PhD in physical oceanography in 2015 from the University of East Anglia, UK, under supervision of Karen Heywood and David Stevens, in collaboration with the UK Met Office. She is already a leading researcher in one of the least studied components of the climate system: the deep ocean. She highlights its role in, and its vulnerability to, current climate change, focusing on its interaction with the cryosphere. Her excellent publication and citation records demonstrate her ability to gain insight from many types of data. These include her own in-situ data and coupled climate model, but also a collection of models run by others, remote sensing, and laboratory experiments. Heuzé regularly combines and compares more than 30 models to look at specific processes, warn about model biases, or investigate upcoming consequences of climate change. Her first PhD publication resulted in a figure in the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report. Heuzé has led and participated in oceanographic field campaigns. She produces multidisciplinary work, currently collaborating with glaciologists and biologists under the umbrella of a large polar expedition of which she is one of the two board members for physical oceanography. She has a very wide variety of co-authors for an Early Career Scientist, providing evidence of her enthusiasm for producing influential research at the most exciting boundaries of ocean science. Heuzé is an outstanding early career researcher of exceptional promise, who has already secured over 1.6 M€ in national grants as PI, and has started building her own group, consisting of several Masters and PhD students and postdocs. In addition to her own research and teaching, Heuzé contributes to the ocean community through her membership of the Northern Oceans Regional Panel, and has been convening the EGU Arctic session since 2020. Finally, she is an excellent communicator who wrote regularly for the EGU cryosphere blog, and often gives invited lectures, both to scientific and more general audiences. She also shares her academic successes and failures openly on Twitter. She is an excellent Early Career Scientist and role model, highly deserving of the Outstanding Early Career Scientist award.