Christine L. Batchelor

CR Cryospheric Sciences
The 2021 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Christine L. Batchelor for her contributions to cryospheric sciences by her studies on glacial history and palaeo-ice sheet reconstructions.
Christine Batchelor is a well-established, internationally known and accomplished Early Career Scientist working in the cryospheric sciences. Since her graduation in 2014 from the University of Cambridge, she has contributed a number of studies to palaeo-ice sheet reconstruction by applying sedimentological approaches. She has worked on both Greenlandic and Antarctic ice shelves and glaciers and also contributed to glacial geomorphology, marine geology, and present ice sheet conditions, with her work spanning the Quaternary period and last glacial maximum to the present. Her publication “The configuration of northern hemisphere ice sheets through the Quaternary“ in 2019 is one of the outstanding examples.
After her postdoc at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Batchelor is now a VISTA research scholar at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She currently teaches and supervises courses, including environmental quaternary change and glacial processes. With her successful publishing, teaching, and grant-writing experience (for her scholarship), she is an excellent recipient of the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award for the Cryosphere Sciences Division.