Anna E. Hogg

CR Cryospheric Sciences
The 2020 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Anna E. Hogg for outstanding research in the field of satellite remote sensing of the cryosphere and her contributions to science communications.
Dr Anna Hogg’s tireless and enthusiastic commitment to the cryospheric community is the definition of “outstanding”. She participates in world-class research, science communication, and community and student advisory roles with an extraordinary energy. Hogg began her research career as a Young Graduate Trainee at the European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Observation department at ESA ESRIN and continued to work on Earth observation of the polar regions during her PhD at the University of Leeds. She was awarded back-to-back independent research fellowships straight out of her PhD, firstly as an ESA Living Planet Fellow and presently as a Natural Environment Research Council Knowledge Exchange Fellow.
Hogg has contributed to 20 journal papers on ice speed, grounding line location, ice elevation change and calving front migration. She is a highly collaborative researcher, having managed or led more than 10 international projects and worked with partners from 35 institutions in 11 countries. Hogg has been PI and Co-I on five grant applications, with funding awarded by seven different organisations, including ESA, NERC, University of Leeds, British Antarctic Survey, UK Space Agency, CPOM, and the Satellite Applications Catapult. She advises the UK Space Agency on scientific and industrial strategy through her role on the Earth Observation Advisory Committee and has also organised and participated in Arctic and Antarctic field campaigns with ESA and BAS.
Outside of research projects, Hogg’s involvement in the community is likewise extraordinary. She extensively communicates the benefits of satellite data through outreach and public news and media outlets. She also developed the world’s first Near Real Time ice velocity monitoring service, supervised the development of a CPOM-ESA sea ice thickness mobile phone app, and regularly makes online videos and animations to explain how satellite data can be used to better understand the polar regions. In collaboration with the Triathlon Trust and ESA Astronaut Tim Peake, Hoggs masterminded the ‘Space to Earth View Challenge’ that inspired schoolchildren to keep fit and learn about space science.
Already a leading figure in the field of glaciology, Hogg supports the next generation through the supervision of PhD students and summer interns. She lectures in the Ice and the Earth System course at the University of Leeds, and in 2016 she designed and ran the first ESA Earth Observation of the Cryosphere advanced training course that was attended by 60 early career researchers from around the world.
In the words of an honoured member of our sister organisation AGU, as phrased during a presentation, “we should all be more like Anna!” Hogg’s contributions make her a worthy awardee of the EGU Division on Cryospheric Sciences’ Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award.