Xingxing Li

G Geodesy
The 2017 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Xingxing Li for his innovative contributions in improving the performance of precise point positioning, significantly extending the high-rate GNSS applications in geosciences.
Xingxing Li’s invented a regional augmented precise point positioning method, which can realise an instantaneous ambiguity resolution to achieve a position accuracy of 1 centimetre in real-time. In the last years, he extended his work to GNSS seismology and GNSS meteorology. He developed a temporal positioning approach for real-time displacement retrieving, which is a core component of an earthquake early warning system. He also presented an approach for a tightly combined processing of GPS and seismic observations. All these new methods significantly extend the high-rate GNSS applications in the geosciences. Li’s current research on tropospheric delay estimation is based on multi-GNSS observations; it clearly reveals the dramatic contribution of multi-GNSS and attracts high attention, not limited to the geodetic community. Li is the chair of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) working group ‘Biases in Multi-GNSS data processing’ and is the co-convener of the EGU session ‘High-Precision GNSS Algorithms and Applications in Geosciences’, bringing together the most experienced researchers in GNSS.