Fabio Tosti

GI Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems
The 2017 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Fabio Tosti for his outstanding contribution to the development of new ground penetrating radar methodologies in the field of the diagnostics for geosciences and civil engineering.
Fabio Tosti received his PhD with European Doctorate Label (excellent rating) in Civil Engineering at the Sciences of Civil Engineering Department of Roma Tre University in 2014. Afterwards, he held a post-doctoral position at the same department. Since 2016, he is a Lecturer (Research Fellow) in Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) at the School of Computing and Engineering of the University of West London. His area of expertise is the development of GPR-based methodologies and the use of complementary non-destructive testing techniques in Civil Engineering and the Geosciences. In particular, he developed and validated new GPR methodologies with a focus on electromagnetic characterisation of typical road materials. Tosti is lead in the ‘Determination, by using GPR, of the volumetric water content in structures, sub-structures, foundations and soil’ project, based within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Action Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar. Since 2013, Tosti is a co-Convener at the EGU General Assembly for the Session GI3.1 Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar. He has served as an EGU Early Career Scientists (ECS) for the Geosciences Instrumentation & Data Systems (GI) Division in 2015-2016 and is GI ECS representative for 2016-2017. He served as Guest Editor in several international journals, such as Near Surface Geophysics, the International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, and Advances in Transportation Studies. Additionally, he is the Assistant to Editors for the International journal Advances in Transportation Studies. Tosti’s numerous publications show an ability to give a significant contribution to the theoretical advances in the challenging scientific field of the GPR diagnostics. He is a worthy recipient of the Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award.