Shiyong Huang

PS Planetary and Solar System Sciences
The 2016 Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Shiyong Huang for outstanding research in the field of space physics, in particular on magnetic reconnection and plasma turbulence.
Shiyong Huang has provided important contributions to the field of space physics in general and to magnetic reconnection and plasma turbulence studies in particular. His most significant research involved data analysis of space turbulence using the Cluster data. He has made substantial contributions to the understanding of electron acceleration and magnetic islands associated with magnetic reconnection, observations of wave properties and turbulence associated with magnetic reconnection as well as on kinetic turbulence in the solar wind and magnetosheath. His research helps to bridge the gap between the topics of turbulence and reconnection. Shiyong Huang ‘s research, combined with his tremendous potential, make him a worthy recipient of the EGU Planetary and Solar System Sciences Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award.
Publication resulting from the award
Huang, S., Zhao, P., He, J., Yuan, Z., Zhou, M., Fu, H., Deng, X., Pang, Y., Wang, D., Yu, X., Li, H., Torbert, R., and Burch, J.: A new method to identify flux ropes in space plasmas, Ann. Geophys., 36, 1275–1283,, 2018.