Maurizio Fedi

The 2023 Christiaan Huygens Medal is awarded to Maurizio Fedi for his ground-breaking contributions to gravity and magnetic field modelling and the analysis of geophysical potential fields.
Maurizio Fedi is a renowned geophysicist performing ground-breaking research in applied geophysics. Fedi’s contributions to gravity and magnetic field modelling encompass both elegant theoretical developments as well its efficient implementation, enabling the use of electric and magnetic field measurements to extract information on the earth’s subsurface, from the subsoil to the deepest Earth’s interior.
The methods developed by Fedi are widely used in geophysical prospecting studies of the Earth’s subsurface for the identification of the depth and boundaries of hidden sources. Fedi developed a theoretically sound approach for studying potential fields caused by inhomogeneous sources, enabling the rigorous study and interpretation of real-world potential fields. His work on fast methods of subsurface imaging finds wide application in both academia and industry. Fedi’s contributions also include developments on the joint inversion of electric, magnetic and gravimetric data.
Maurizio Fedi’s research resulted in numerous, highly-cited papers that address fundamental principles of geophysical inversion as well as techniques to interpret gravity, magnetic, and electromagnetic data. He also served as an editor in several international geophysical journals. In addition to his academic output, Fedi has also been the principal investigator in several collaborative projects with industry, leading to the application of his cutting-edge research to practical problems outside of academia.
Fedi’s indisputable impact in the field of applied geophysics is reinforced by his influence on people, through unselfish collaboration and sharing of his time and expertise. He is easily approachable by students, academia and industry. His dedication to education and advancement is reflected in the organization of several international workshops and his participation in many conferences as an invited speaker. He is also recognised as an highly skilled mentor not only to his students (he supervised 21 PhD theses), but also as a mentor and supporter of early career researchers, including current leaders in the field of exploration geophysics.
For his prolific and cutting-edge contributions to applied geophysics, Maurizio Fedi is a truly deserving recipient of the Christiaan Huygens Medal.