Wim Thiery

CL Climate: Past, Present & Future
The 2023 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists is awarded to Wim Thiery for his broad-ranging research contributions on the topics of extreme climate events, climate change impacts, energy meteorology, water resources, and land-atmosphere interactions.
The scientific achievements of Wim Thiery are outstanding under several aspects, and he has firmly established himself as a leading young climate scientist on the international scene. In his work, Wim has leveraged a variety of research approaches, from global climate modelling to land surface modelling, field observations and ensemble data mining. His multiple lines of research have improved our understanding of anthropogenic influences on different aspects of the climate system, including extreme events.
Wim has a large volume of scientific publications in leading international journals (a total of 79 publications including first-author papers in Science and Nature Communications and senior author papers in Nature Energy, Nature Geoscience and Nature Sustainability). In parallel with this, he has demonstrated strong mentorship skills. Since being appointed as tenure track research professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels in 2017, Wim has built a lively research group and a number of his doctoral students received accolades for their research work. He has also engaged actively in community service, notably as co-chair of the lake sector in the Intersectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) and being a contributing author of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (2019) and the Sixth Assessment Report (2021).
Wim is currently Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. His outstanding research, community service and mentorship make him a worthy recipient of the Climate: Past, Present and Future Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award.
Medal lecture video (Vimeo) of the Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding Early Career Scientists given at the EGU General Assembly 2023.