Chao Yue

ST Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
The 2022 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists is awarded to Chao Yue for innovative contributions to magnetospheric physics, in particular, ring current dynamics and associated wave-particle interactions.
Chao Yue has made outstanding contributions to advance our knowledge of the ring current dynamics and associated plasma waves. Using multiple years of satellite data, Yue provided global pictures of the ion pitch angle distributions, plasma pressure distributions and the relative contributions from different ion species. These results have provided significant inputs for ring current modeling. Combining the wave observation and coincident plasma measurements, Yue has revealed several intrinsic features about the whistler waves and EMIC waves which provide important insights for studying the excitation mechanism of plasma waves. In her brief professional career, she has a total of 27 first-authored/corresponding authored and 43 co-authored peer reviewed papers. In addition, Chao Yue has dedicated a lot of efforts to serve the space science community. For example, she organized sessions as convener at international conferences (such as AGU, EGU, AOGS meetings) and served as the focus group leader of “Self-Consistent Inner Magnetospheric Modeling (Year of 2020-2024)” in the American NSF-GEM summer workshop. Due to the COVID-19 which stopped the space science community from normal research interaction, she organized a nation-wide online space science seminar series every Wednesday starting from July 1st, 2020 (view the recorded talks) which has been watched more than 32,000 times. With all the contributions that Chao Yue has made to the Solar-Terrestrial Sciences community, she is thus well deserving of the Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists.