François Massonnet

CL Climate: Past, Present & Future
The 2020 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists is awarded to François Massonnet for his significant contribution to polar climate prediction, projection and reanalyses, including original integration of model and data evidence.
The Division on Climate: Past, Present & Future’s Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is presented to François Massonnet for his contributions to the understanding and prediction of polar climates in an integrative sense using the best knowledge arising from model and data evidence. Massonet’s field of expertise builds on his PhD on the evaluation of climate simulation of sea ice and has since grown to encompass data assimilation, seasonal to decadal prediction and forecast verification for polar climates.
Massonnet’s work has already had a very significant impact on the community, as shown by his publication & citation record ; he also involves himself in community efforts including the IPCC and, more recently, the CMIP6 steering committee for sea ice.