Florian Pappenberger

The 2011 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists is awarded to Florian Pappenberger for his contributions to hydrological modelling, operational hydrological forecasting and uncertainty assessment.
Florian Pappenberger has provided remarkable contributions both in fundamental as well as applied hydrological sciences. His most notable achievement is in bridging the gap between hydrological applications and meteorology, by fostering probabilistic flood forecasting based on ensemble prediction system products. He currently works in the Predictability and Diagnostic section of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). His expertise encompasses hydro-meteorological modelling, flood inundation modelling, probabilistic flood forecasting, advanced sensitivity analysis, user-focused evaluation of ensemble Numerical Weather Prediction systems, and cascading uncertainty in integrated modelling Hameworks. Pappenberger has an impressive publication record since completing his PhD. His papers “Ignorance is bliss: Or seven reasons not to use uncertainty analysis”, co-authored with K. Beven, have become almost a standard reference in hydrological research. His list of co-authors illustrates how accustomed he is to working in teams that collaborate efficiently across institutes. His recognition in the scientific community as a competent researcher is further demonstrated by the fact that, despite his young age, he is a member of the editorial board of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). He clearly demonstrates not only his capabilities as an excellent scientist, but also his role of promoting science in numerous networks.